Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Goals For 34

I turn 34 on June 24th and 33 has been kind of a rocky ride. It was great, but I wish I would have set some goals for myself. I've basically just been winging it the past year. I was reading through my original blog and I came across a New Year's resolution post and I thought "why only reserve resolutions for the new year?" So, I'm going to set some goals to start now, and hopefully, that will give me some structure!

Here I am at 33. I chopped my hair off and gained 15 lbs, which has been my year. 

1. Get back to 170-173lbs. I currently am sitting at 180, I've lost about 5 lbs, but I'll be happier if I can get back to where I was, or a little less. Plus, all my clothes will fit better and fashion is very important to me.

2. Maintain a good face, body, and hair care regimen. I've been washing my face twice a day and applying a fancy serum that smells like watermelon {I want to remember that smell forever because it is the bomb} and also applying a nice thick anti-aging lotion. My face feels like a baby's ass and I love it. I have also been using this vanilla body balm from "Cake" and it makes my skin feel super healthy and it smells amazing. As far as my hair goes, it has been thinning slowly since I had my hysterectomy. I have been being more careful with it and have been taking 20 mg of biotin daily and I have been washing it with a natural shampoo and conditioner {Which also smells amazing...I'm sensing a trend here} I have also been putting in a sparkly serum that is amazing at smoothing any frizz and sometimes adding a whipped curl mousse from "Cake," the same brand that makes my body lotion. 

3. Be a more active player in my physical and mental health. I'm not going to lie, I haven't really been great at taking care of me this year. I did finally get in to see a psychiatrist and then COVID-19 struck and I only got to one in-person session {we have had a phone session} I also, did make it to a rheumatologist and found out I have a bad case of psoriatic arthritis which is why my hand is all stiff and unhappy. However, I haven't actively gone out and gotten a blood test so I can start treatment with the medication. Again, COVID-19 hasn't helped, but damn, I could really use some relief and the power is all in my hands. I frustrate myself. I also need to get in contact with a goon Gyno because I have a vagina and breasts and those need to be checked. I also need to have somebody manage my estrogen because my little body doesn't make that anymore- I just need to take charge.

4. Live more minimally. Start by finishing Marie Kondo's book. Get rid of things that don't make sense in my life and don't hold on to things I don't really like just for sentimental value. 

5. Submit a piece or two for at least 1 art show here in Georgia this year. I know this is hard and a bit outside my comfort zone, being in a new state and everything, but it won't get easier and I don't want to give up my art. I was doing so well in Oklahoma.

6. Stay Active. Take walks with the dogs and do yoga, it's good for your body and soul.

7. Keep drinking fluids other than soda and alcohol. I'm doing really well with this currently., Just have to keep going. I haven't had alcohol in over a month. I'm so hydrated WOOHOO! {I'm not saying I believe alcohol is bad, but I don't want to drink it just because I'm bored}

8. Get moved and organize my house exactly the way I want it. I know that's a process, but I want everything to have a place and serve a purpose, I really miss having all my special decor displayed and I have to get rid of a lot of things that "Don't Spark Joy."

9. Host parties and get together with friends.  I have friends here, it would be fun to get together with them and we should be {Fingers Crossed} closing on a large house that is great for entertaining. 

10. Create at least one significant piece of artwork every month. It's a goal I have. I consider a "significant piece of artwork" to be something that is NOT permanently in a sketchbook. No matter the size. It will only count if it's able to be put in a frame. 

11. Work on jewelry designs. Execute said jewelry designs with wire, beads, resin, etc... I have good designs, I just need to focus and create them IRL.

12. Read more books. It's good for my brain and I enjoy reading. It also wouldn't hurt to do more puzzles, either out of a book or on my phone. 

13. Do yard work. I love plants and I love a nicely manicured lawn. I don't want to be that young able-bodied couple who don't take care of their yard. {again} I'd love to add some rubber black mulch to the front yard eventually so it will be more durable. I'd also love to have a spice garden and plants some bulbs and flowers around the house so it looks pretty.

14. Get involved in local activities. Such as festivals, etc...really embrace my new town. {Wherever that may be, we are still under contract with the house}

15. Get to the point where I am well enough to return to the aquarium 3 days a week. I loved it there and I absolutely adored my coworkers, but I worked too much and I pushed myself too hard and ignored my body causing injury. If I am unable to get to that point, find a job that is just as flexible and may be nearer to Fairburn. Ideally, get to a place where I can return to the aquarium. that job was the best.


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